Light armored upperclass soldier 01 A

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A light armored soldier in an attacking pose. This is a middle or upper class soldier's wear from 12th to14th centuries.
He is wearing a gambeson what is a padded defensive jacket, worn as armour separately, or combined with mail or plate armour. They were usually constructed of linen or wool and were widespread from 1100 to 1300 in Europe. 


This is a 3D asset of a person in a fixed pose in a costume that is historically authentic to the time period mentioned in its description. Our period costumes are captured by collaborating with historic reenactors and museums to ensure that these 3D scanned assets reflect the given time period most appropriately.

Purchasing an asset will allow you to download it maximum 3 times.
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Included 3D formats: .fbx, .obj, .blend

Contains the minimum 3 types of LODs depending on the size of the original asset
› LOD0 - Raw (1-2.5M polygon)
› LOD1 - High (500k-1.5M polygon)
› LOD2 - Mid (250k-800k polygon)
› LOD3 - Low (100k-250k polygon)
› LOD4 - Extra Low (20k-100k polygon)
(Geometry in triangles)

Texture sets in 8bit .png format:
› Base Color in 1K, 2K, 4K
› Roughness in 1K, 2K, 4K
› Normal in 1K, 2K, 4K (optional per asset)
› Metalness in 1K, 2K, 4K (optional per asset)
› Opacity in 1K, 2K, 4K (optional per asset)
(PBR Metallic workflow used to make the textures)

› Retopo and rig not included
› The model does not include the held item seen on the thumbnail
› All our .blend files are marked as assets for easier use in Blender (3.0+)