Guerilla Troop Woman 01 J
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12.50 USD
2.50 USD
40.00 USD
60.00 USD
This character is in a standing pose, holding up her arms to be pointing with a handgun.
She wears worn-out clothes, boots, a backpack and a mask to cover her face.
This is a 3D asset of a person in a fixed pose. This pose is a result of posing a 3D-scanned A pose character. The pose is baked, rig is not included.
Purchasing the asset will allow you to download it maximum 3 times. You will be able to track your available downloads in your profile’s Downloads menu.
Included 3D formats: .fbx, .obj, .blend
Contains a mostly quad based retopologized mesh with app. 250k faces
Texture sets in 8bit .png format (16 bit for normal maps):
› Base Color in 4K
› Roughness in 4K
› Normal in 4K (optional per asset)
› Metalness 4K (optional per asset)
› Opacity in 4K (optional per asset)
(PBR Metallic workflow used to make the textures)
› Rig not included
› The model does not include the held item seen on the thumbnail
› All our .blend files are marked as assets for easier use in Blender (3.0+)